Regional Committees
East Region Standing Committees address specific components of the East Region EMS & Trauma Care Strategic Plan. Each Standing Committee is comprised of both regional council and system partners involved in our EMS & Trauma Systems of care. Please contact the respective Chair to become involved in one of the Standing Committees.
Click on a committee name to jump to that section, or scroll down.
Cardiac and Stroke
Formed in 2011, the Cardiac and Stroke Workgroup is the newest East Region EMS Committee. The members include representatives from both urban and rural hospitals and EMS agencies throughout the ten-county region.
The goal of the committee is to help decrease morbidity and mortality for heart attack, cardiac arrest and stroke patients by implementing the new WA State Emergency Cardiac and Stroke System. Emergency medical services transport patients directly to hospitals that meet care requirements and participate in the system.
Another important goal is to provide public education to both our regional partners and to the community. In collaboration with the Injury Prevention Committee, we offer stroke and cardiac disease prevention and education. A list of cardiac/stroke resources is included on this page.
Meeting Schedule
Date: Quarterly on the last Thursday of: January, April, July, and October
Time: 7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m.
Location: Providence Spokane Heart Institute
2nd Floor Classroom
*Also available via TeleHealth*
Deanna Jones, Chair
Deanna is an RN with 30 years nursing experience and is currently the Cardiac Level 1 Coordinator for Providence SHMC and HFH.
Call 9-1-1 Public Service Announcements:
Women's “Just a Little Heart Attack” video
Animated video on F.A.S.T. Stroke Heroes Act F.A.S.T.
Printed materials to download: Cardiac Stroke Network
Video on "How to Do Hands-Only CPR"
Emergency Cardiac and Stroke System info: heart org/call911
Act Fast for Heart Attack: National Heart Lung & Blood Institute
Andrea Talbot
Genentech - Clinical Specialist - Lytics
Mobile: 425-330-3600
Fax: 1-855-702-8202
Contact Andrea to receive Act FAST stroke magnet
Janette Worley MSN, ARNP
Deaconess Hospital Stroke Coordinator
Rockwood Neurology / Stroke Clinic
801 W 5th Ave Suite #510, Spokane, WA
Deaconess holds a Neuro Grand Rounds (usually stroke focused) every 4th Tuesday of the month at 8:30 am in their auditorium.
Community medical personnel are always welcome and the presentations are recorded to view as needed.
Quality Improvement
Mission Statement:
To promote and support a comprehensive emergency care system in the East Region.
As defined in RCW 70.168.090 (2); WAC 246-976-910; RCW 70.168.050, a regional emergency medical services and trauma care system quality assurance program shall be established by those facilities authorized to provide trauma (cardiac and stroke) care services.
The East Region Quality Assurance and Improvement Committee is committed to optimal clinical care and system performance in the Region as it relates to trauma, cardiac and stroke patients as evidenced by patient outcomes. A multidisciplinary team approach to concurrent and retrospective analysis of care delivery, patient care outcomes and compliance with the requirements of Washington State as per RCW 70.168.090 is the fundamental goal. Benchmark comparison and best practice review will be emphasized.
Meeting Schedule
Date: Quarterly on the first Thursday of: March, June, September, and December
Time: 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Location: Sacred heart Medical Center, Mother Joseph Room
Committee Chair: Denise McCurdy
Injury Prevention
The East Region EMS & Trauma Care Council has a wonderful network of providers throughout the region and the state available to provide a wide variety of resources. The Council reviews injury data annually to prioritize its work. The top four injuries in the east region are falls, suicide, motor vehicle collisions and poison.
The Establishment, Roles, and Responsibilities of Regional Councils defined in RCW and WAC:
Please contact the Regional Council office for the most current Application for Appointment if you would like to apply for a position.
Prehospital & Transportion
The Prehospital & Transportation Committee is responsibility for the development, review and updating of Regional Patient Care Procedures (PCP).
The committee reviews recommended minimum /maximum numbers, levels and types of verified EMS prehospital agencies as recommended by the county EMS/TC council prior and if appropriate, provides recommendation to the Regional Council.
If the Regional Council approves the recommendation, it then provides recommendation to the EMS & Trauma Steering Committee and the DOH and if approved, the East Region EMS & Trauma Strategic Plan is updated and submitted for approval and posted on the DOH website.
The change to the county min/max numbers becomes official at that time.
There is a very formal process to be followed in order to change min/max numbers, levels and types of pre-hospital services.
Meeting Schedule
Date: 2nd Wednesday of every month
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
For a comprehensive WA State EMS & Trauma Hospital Designation and Response Area Map, CLICK HERE
St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute is the only Level I Trauma Designated Rehab Facility in the East Region and in Eastern Washington. The Rehabilitation Committee works to publicize ongoing education opportunities, implement a process to identify and recruit membership from each of the nine counties, and create and maintain a Rehab Resource Directory.
Additionally, the committee provides an annual trauma case presentation to the Regional Council and to other community partners upon request.
Meeting Schedule:
Date: 2nd Thursday of every month
Time: 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Location: St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute
Conference Rooms LL1 & LL2
Chris Clutter, Committee Chair
Training & Education
The Training and Education Committee is essential in evaluating regional training needs. Each year the committee conducts a survey to evaluate training needs for the coming year. The survey is distributed region-wide, with a link distributed by email. They strive to provide and support needed training and education to rural EMS agencies in the region.
Meeting Schedule
Date: 2nd Wednesday of every even numbered month
Time: 10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.